Merit Bars
DeMolay’s are eligible to acquire points from the day they receive the Initiatory Degree until they become 21 years old
It will become the responsibility of the DeMolay to track, record and apply (on the proper form) his Merit bar awards
The chapter Dad must approve all applications for merit bar awards by signing the application form
The regalia shall consist of the head(which shall be earned by reciting the Initiatory Degree obligation from memory in open chapter) and the Drop(which shall be earned by reciting the DeMolay degree from memory in open chapter) with a maximum of 7 bars to be worn at any one time.
The seven categories shall be Membership, Visitation, Ritual, Religion, Athletics, Scholastics, and Merit(activities)
Each Merit Bar is produced in five (5) colors. Each color designates the number of times a DeMolay has received a bar in that category.
The advisory board through the Dad-in-charge of merit bars will be responsible for acquiring and distribution of merit bars. The previous level of merit bar must be returned to the Dad-in-charge with the application for the next level of achievement.
Merit bars are earned in the following categories:
Merit Bar Requirements
Athletic – Participation in an athletic endeavor of an individual or team nature for at least one year and any Chapter athletic events.(Letter to be submitted)
Membership – For being the first-line signer on three membership applications of individuals who subsequently are initiated in the Chapter.
Merit – Participation in 6 chapter events(fund raising, public service, social or fraternal), 2 of which must be fund raising.
Religion – One level for each year of regular attendance of Church or Sunday school (a letter attesting to the fact is required) and all Chapter church parades.
Ritual – A total of 125 points per level
The following point system will be used for each Official performance of the ritual
Scholastic – Must maintain a minimum 70% average for one year with no marks below 60%, or show a marked improvement from last terms marks(at least 15%).
Visitation – 3 visits to other Chapters, one of which must be out of the city / or / one level for every 1600km traveled while visiting. Whichever is least.
Once you determine that you have earned your merit badge in a specific category, you should provide the justification to your Chapter Advisor or the person designated on your advisory council to coordinate Merit badges for the Chapter.
Download the DeMolay Atlantic Provinces merit Bar Application form